It’s two days before Christmas, and I’m here typing madly, not unlike how the phantom plays his organ (wait, that sounds wrong) his pipe organ (nope, that’s worse). I could go back and start again, maybe with less adolescent humor – something I’m stripped of Amazon stars for… Nah, it wouldn’t be me. Okay, one more try…
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Labor Day Update!
Can you believe it’s Labor Day already? I’ve had my head in my book for so long that I missed summer. Oh I knew it was happening: my electric bill went up, the window shades went down, and my lawn went from spring-green to summer brown to this wonderful, rain-fed, lush carpet of emerald. In my basement office, PEEPs and I were already at the end of summer. Mia and Murphy were dealing with surprising happenings, both paranormal and human. Yes, PEEPs, the first draft is finished!
Read MoreHappy New Year!
2016 looks to be a crucial year ahead. On this first day, many of us have resolutions to make or break depending on your motivations. I started my contemplation of possible things I could do better, and bad habits to break, scientifically. No, not really, but didn’t that sound impressive? Bad habits… I looked at mine, and then took a page from Dr. Phil and asked “What do I get out of them?” Enjoyment. So are they bad habits if they bring about so much fun? So I’ll not be breaking any bad habits this year. How about you? At Bliss cottage we have more goals than habits in our resolutions.
Read MoreAlexie Aaron Holiday Podcast!
Happy Holidays everyone! Aaron the webguy, here making the introduction to our special Holiday podcast where you will hear from a very special guest. That is right the Red Pen is on the podcast with us and gives you all the scoop on Alexie's rough drafts. We had a lot of fun making this podcast and hope that you all have a very Merry Christmas and holiday season.
Click read more for links!
Read MoreHappy Halloween!
Attention, ghosts and ghouls! Halloween falls on a Saturday this year. The weather here will be cool but dry. I expect we will have a record turnout. In our village, the children are allowed to Trick or Treat from five to seven at night. Because it’s Saturday, more parents will be home - not tired from the long Chicago commute - to take part in the holiday. I have so many great memories of Halloween as a child and as an adult, dressing up and taking my children door to door. My children are grown now, but I suspect at least one of them would like to show up at your door and yell, “Trick or treat!”
Read MoreAll you will ever need for a Xylophone.
October 1st
October 1st, what kind of happy anticipation or terror does that date bring to you? For me, it brings on happy thoughts. It’s only thirty days until Halloween! I should have Restitution launched by then, my Cin Fin-Lathen book in edit, and I will be finishing up the first draft of the 18th Haunted Series novel. All I plan on doing on October 31st is handing out treats to the Trick-or-Treaters.
Read MoreHappy New Year!
Depending on when you are reading this, it is either still 2014 or 2015. I’m sitting on the fence between one year and the next. Straddling a fence can be most uncomfortable so bear with me. Half of me is looking back over an amazing year for me and PEEPs, and the other half is looking forward to the next year. I plan on continuing the “Haunted Series.” I have quite a few stories to tell, and more keep entering my head daily. The joy of having such a varied group of ghost hunters gives me a lot of room in which to let the imagination go. Don’t worry; Murphy keeps me in line so I don’t go too far out there - him and my editor, aka “The Red Pen.”
Read MoreHappy Preparation Days
Two very major activities are looming. Both take a lot of hard work and planning. One is the upcoming launch of my thirteenth novel “The Siege,” and the other is preparing for a family Christmas celebration. My diet is forgotten. The stress of edits has me stealing candy canes from the newly decorated tree. As I type this, I have one precariously balanced on my lower lip. Catching my reflection, I see a chain-smoking stereotypical 1940s newspaperman instead of a candy-thieving fiction author.
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