October 1st, what kind of happy anticipation or terror does that date bring to you? For me, it brings on happy thoughts. It’s only thirty days until Halloween! I should have Restitution launched by then, my Cin Fin-Lathen book in edit, and I will be finishing up the first draft of the 18th Haunted Series novel. All I plan on doing on October 31st is handing out treats to the Trick-or-Treaters.
This house is the famous one and they are just starting to set it up. Expect an update once it is in full swing.
Halloween in my neighborhood is a pretty big deal. Already, houses are decorating for it. We have a pretty famous house in our neighborhood that goes all out on Halloween - much I’m sure, to the terror of their immediate neighbors. For our house, we carve a few pumpkins, put out lights and set my mummy, Graham Greene, in a place of prominence.
Years ago, my adult children and I started a tradition. Prior to Halloween night, we would pick whatever costume - Spiderman, Dracula, Princess Toadstool, etc. – we thought would be big and take a shot of whiskey after each costumed child showed up at the door. I remembered a plethora of Spidermen one year. My children and I barely made it to midnight. They have since bowed out of this tradition - lightweights. My husband is joining me this year and promises a bottle of the good stuff. Gee, I wonder what costume is big this year…
Halloween related? Maybe not a perfect fit but that is awesome...unless you were the pilot.
I looked at the costumes available to women, and unless I want a chest cold, I think I’ll bow out from wearing one. I applaud the brave breast-baring souls, but for this author, who has to bend over to hand out candy to the tots at my door, I will look for something that covers the assets.
I thought I saw a Puddy-Tat!
When I was a child, my mother made a lot of our costumes. I was a very glam, gypsy princess thanks to her Singer sewing machine and imagination. Although, my favorite costume of all came in a box. I was Warner Bros’ Tweety until I could no longer fit into the plastic jumpsuit and blinding mask, but inside, I am still Tweety, luring unsuspecting Sylvesters to their doom. I may look sweet, but I assure you, I’m a tricky bird.
Are you looking forward to Halloween? If so, what are you wearing? If you have a Halloween memory to share, tell us all about it in the comments.
See you next post!