Today, January 7th, 2022, is my tenth anniversary of the release of The Hauntings of Cold Creek Hollow. Since then I have published thirty-five full-length novels in the Haunted Series, four novellas, six in the spin-off series Cid Garrett P.I., and one stand-alone book, Angelo, in the series. Also, I have written Knight of Pages, five mystery novels in the Cin Fin-Lathen series, and published my short story Evil. If you’re doing the math, that’s fifty-three manuscripts that I have published in ten years. I’m not patting myself on the back but reminding myself of my last ten years as an author.
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Haunted Series September Update!
I know it’s way past time to update all of you on the Haunted Series. We have been working very hard on book #31 Smoke and Mirrors. It will go to the beta reader this weekend. So if everything runs smoothly, it will be available Tuesday the 8th of September. Although, as I have done in the past, if I can get it to you sooner, I will notify you on, Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.
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Here it is the first Friday in January, and I’m just about recovered from the holidays. The cookie jars are empty, the tree needs to be taken down, and it’s drizzling outside. It’s time to update you.
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Dog Days of Summer Update
Here we are in the dog days of summer, already! I thought I better take the time to update you on the upcoming books. Yes, books, plural!
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It’s February 27th, 2019 when I’m writing this. I’m inside recouping from the recent blizzard. In the last few days, I’ve moved just under a foot of snow with the help of the Webguy and the Red Pen. The object of our endeavor was to get as much off the drive before the Beta Reader packed it down with his tires leaving for work. We’ve had 91.2 inches of snow this winter season, and today it’s looking like we will be getting six more. It’s beautiful when it’s falling. On each side of the house, it swirls in snow eddies. On the southside, where the large trees protect us, it falls straight down. On the northside, it slams our house and my office window with such attitude that I suspect it’s somehow related to me.
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The Fates
Hello all!
I haven’t disappeared. All is well. We’re just busy working on getting the next book ready for publication. Sideshow, Book #26 of the Haunted Series, is in the final edit before the Beta Reader gets it. The new Cid Garrett P.I. book The Promise is scheduled for editing in March. I’d love to give you exact release dates, but I don’t want to tempt fate. The fates and I have an agreement: I stay on my side of the universe and they stay on theirs.
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Sorry I’ve been out of touch, but I have been busy writing the 26th book of the Haunted Series. It’s called Sideshow.
I went to bed last night knowing I was one chapter from being finished with my first draft. Naturally, I dreamed about Sideshow as my subconscious continued to work on finishing the book while I slept. I woke up early, too early, but it was either be entertained by a power-craving inner librarian or get up and write. I chose to write.
I sat, predawn, and stared as the cursor continued to blink on a white screen while I waited for the coffee to work on my caffeine-starved brain. Where do I go with this? I decided to read the last five chapters, and then Chapter Forty-five flowed out of me. The first draft of Sideshow is finished! Woo Hoo!
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It’s a rainy day here at the top of the mitt. My joints are creaking. I suspect they learned of my love of the sounds of squeaky door hinges and are trying to do one better, ouch. Rainy days have always been wonderful reading days – thunderstorms, not so much. There I am, focused on the book, and CRASH! My arteries are cleared of plaque and my tea is decorating the sofa.
Writing on a rainy day can be problematic. I can use it to create a dreary mood, but the muted lights make me drowsy. Napping on a rainy day is bliss times ten.
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