Aaron the Webguy here with just a quick update. In brief, both Alexie and myself will be out of town this weekend. She will be doing research for her novels while I will be meeting up with someone infamous to you all. I will be meeting Jake to go see the Chicago Bears (hopefully) beat the Kansas City Chiefs. My first time going to a football stadium in over a decade, and it's with the guy who inspired Alexie's ghost in the machine character. The real Jake is just as tech savvy as his character, so I have to be there to make sure he doesn't tamper with the referee replay system or something.
You know I like to give you all some good news when I post, so here goes! While we are out of town, I have it on good authority that Alexie's latest Haunted Series novel Restitution will be in the hands of the Beta Reader, so you could say that it is on the fast track to being released. Also, next week just so happens to be the one year anniversary of Alexieaaron.com so expect something fun from us to make up for this tiny post.
So have a great weekend, and go Bears!