Hello all!
I haven’t disappeared. All is well. We’re just busy working on getting the next book ready for publication. Sideshow, Book #26 of the Haunted Series, is in the final edit before the Beta Reader gets it. The new Cid Garrett P.I. book The Promise is scheduled for editing in March. I’d love to give you exact release dates, but I don’t want to tempt fate. The fates and I have an agreement: I stay on my side of the universe and they stay on theirs.
Who are the fates? Clotho, Lachesis, and Atropos, according to Greek and Roman mythology, are three goddesses who govern what happens to we humans from birth to death. Allegedly, Clotho made (spun) the thread of our destiny, Lachesis brought it to Atropos, who cut the thread defining the length of our lives. They are seen as weavers, often as old women. I see them as babes – this isn’t just to score points with them. Okay, it is, but so far so good.
I prefer to believe we determine our own fate by hard work, being kind, and looking out for the less fortunate. Maybe we spin our own thread by looking out for our neighbors, sending our thoughts and what we can spare to people in crisis. How we weave the fabric of our lives affects those around us. Make it strong and vibrant.
The next blog post will be the announcement of the release of Sideshow. Thank you for your patience, encouragement, and good will.