Presently, I’m busy writing the next Cid Garrett P.I. novel High Court. Even though the events of the real world keep seeping in, I’m concentrating on my job which is to entertain you all, hopefully taking you away from the problems at hand, if just for a moment.
My graphics team has come up with two covers for you to vote on. I know you’re sick of voting, but I’m sick of the green cover for Darker than Dark, so indulge me. We will be releasing a paperback and an audiobook early this year for the fourth novel of the Haunted Series, and I wanted a new cover. I couldn’t decide, so I’m going to ask you readers to help me.
Click to enlarge, then either write your choice below in the comment section or on my Facebook page. Do you like the Curtain Lady cover or the Light Bulb cover?
Yes, there will be a book 21 of the Haunted Series. I will be starting when High Court is in editing.
I’m still loving living up here in the snow globe. We have been experiencing a slow melt this last week. The Web Guy and I went walking yesterday, and aside from the slippery spots at the intersections, we manage to navigate quite well. Picture the scene of a Chicago Bears-garbed male helping a distracted writer gallantly over six-inch-deep puddles. I think we may have brought a few chuckles to drivers passing us.
The Ravens Rook team spent two hours at the DMV becoming official Michigan residents. It wasn’t a horrible experience as it has been in other states. I think that Grand Traverse County has a great setup and a very tolerant team taking care of us residents. I’m a resident… Cool beans!
Have a great week and don’t forget to vote for the cover!
Alexie Aaron