Hello all, Aaron the Webguy here, posting on behalf on Alexie yet again. Right now Alexie is busy in the editing process of NOLA, her next book in the Haunted Series. She is hard at work to get it out to all of you a.s.a.p.
So instead of thoughtful commentary or a scary story I thought to post these...
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Hello all, Aaron the Webguy here. Alexie is busy once again at the writer’s desk, so I’m here filling in with something, a little bit fun. I will be dusting off my writing hat and reclaiming it to tell my own little “true life” paranormal story. I quoted true life because, while I’m not a skeptic, I have no hard evidence of my experience. What I do have is something that I couldn’t rationally explain away that has stuck with me to this day. This will be a brief story of the supernatural that someone else might be able to relate to. I invite anyone reading to feel free to post your thoughts on my experience and post your own story in the comments. So that said, here goes nothing…
It was a dark and stormy night… Ha. Okay, just kidding around there, and off I write in earnest.
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It’s time for an update, or that’s what my webguy tells me. I finished the first draft of the 14th Haunted Series novel on the 14th of February. Yes, while all of you were munching on chocolate, having champagne and strawberries, I was at the keyboard finishing NOLA. For those savvy at southern United States acronyms, I don’t have to explain myself, but for those, like myself last year, puzzled by all these NOLA signs, I will explain. NOLA stands for New Orleans, Louisiana. Most of the 14th novel takes place in N’awlins. It was fun to research and even more fun to write. I’ll start my rewrite soon and will let all of you know when the book will be available on Amazon and Barnes and Noble.
More news!
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The other day I came across a Facebook post mentioning the 3D remake of Poltergeist. Granted, my first reaction was very similar to my son’s whenTransformers was made into a live-action CG movie, “Are they trying to ruin my childhood?” Being an adult – age wise - I decided to find something good about remaking the movie. There are all the great effects they have at their fingertips now that they didn’t have then. The cast members are great, and I loved what the director, Sam Raimi, did for Spiderman 3, but why are they making it again? Are there no original scripts out there? Hello, I’ve got a lot of ideas…
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Hello everyone I am Aaron the Webguy. It's kind of a on-the-nose title given to me by Alexie but I think it suits me just fine. I am responsible for making sure the website doesn't explode, (which they totally can), each and every day. Also keeping the blog updated on a weekly basis, making sure the links work, and the site looks presentable to all her readers and fans. I also certain editorial powers such as this promise I am making to you all right now that clicking the read more button will be guaranteed to contain a picture of a very cute puppy.
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Alexie Aaron is currently typing away at her latest story, so I will be filling in for this week’s blog post. I’m Alexie’s editor, the “Red Pen.” I’m the one who takes Alexie’s precious characters and makes sure that they are appropriately punctuated and their adventures are typo free. Well, in a perfect world that would be the case. A few rogue errors have gotten by me. This post is just a brief sketch of how I became Alexie’s editor.
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This winter there have been many surprises. Cold temperatures, deep snow, and snow in places that don’t normally get any. For me the biggest surprise was the release of “Ghostly Attachments, Haunted Series Book 2” on Audible.com. My beta reader gave me the heads up, and sure enough, there was my audiobook. Nice and shiny and ready to be listened to. Did I know when it was going to be released? No, the author is the last to know, oy.
Available in Audiobook
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I thought I would introduce you to Stephen Murphy before handing my keyboard and the question answering over to the big guy. Stephen Murphy was originally intended to be a minor character in the “Haunted Series.” I thought it was a great way to show a bit of Mia Cooper’s past and gifts by her having a conversation with a hundred-some-year-old ghost. But it became very obvious that Murph was no one hit wonder. The caring relationship that developed between Mia and Stephen showed me as the writer that there was much more to be explored when it came to this axe-carrying farmer.
Murphy has quickly become instrumental to the success of PEEPs. Burt was quick to exploit having a ghost on the team, although there were some logistical problems in the beginning. If you wanted Murphy to travel beyond the farm, Mia would have to carry the cast iron head of his axe to the site and remember to bring him back to the farm when the investigation was finished. It wasn’t until Stephen discovered that it was he, himself who was tying himself to farm and not the axe that he was able to move about freely. The only traveling he does not enjoy is flying.
Okay, I’m going to turn this post over to Murphy. I would like to warn readers in advance that the questions and answers may contain SPOILERS. That being said: Readers, Murphy. Murphy, Readers.
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