Binge reading… Much the same as Binge eating but you don’t put on any pounds. Also the books that are the biggest treat have no calories, yet they nourish you. I’m a binge reader. My excuse is, that when I’m writing I don’t read. So I jam as much reading into the time I take off as possible. Series fiction is ideal for bingers like me and the Bliss Cottage crew. So we all brought together our favorites with links provided to take you to amazon.
Read MoreHappy New Year!
Depending on when you are reading this, it is either still 2014 or 2015. I’m sitting on the fence between one year and the next. Straddling a fence can be most uncomfortable so bear with me. Half of me is looking back over an amazing year for me and PEEPs, and the other half is looking forward to the next year. I plan on continuing the “Haunted Series.” I have quite a few stories to tell, and more keep entering my head daily. The joy of having such a varied group of ghost hunters gives me a lot of room in which to let the imagination go. Don’t worry; Murphy keeps me in line so I don’t go too far out there - him and my editor, aka “The Red Pen.”
Read MoreThe Siege is Released!
"The Siege" is upon us, dear readers, and I hope you're all prepared. As promised, I'm alerting you to the early release of this 13th novel. Take a break from wrapping presents, pour yourselves a drink, and settle in for another PEEPS adventure:
Read MoreUpdate!
The cover for “The Siege,” the 13th full length “Haunted Series” novel has been finished. All that is left is for the book to be delivered into the capable hands of the Beta Reader by The Red Pen. Seems to me, childbirth was easier. No, that was after the drugs kicked in. Child birth was hard. One clever doctor explained it to my husband this way, “It’s like a never-ending kidney stone.” My hubby had two kidney stones; I gave birth to two children. Consider us even.
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Happy Preparation Days
Two very major activities are looming. Both take a lot of hard work and planning. One is the upcoming launch of my thirteenth novel “The Siege,” and the other is preparing for a family Christmas celebration. My diet is forgotten. The stress of edits has me stealing candy canes from the newly decorated tree. As I type this, I have one precariously balanced on my lower lip. Catching my reflection, I see a chain-smoking stereotypical 1940s newspaperman instead of a candy-thieving fiction author.
Read MoreHappy Thanksgiving!
Happy Thanksgiving! Like Glenda Dupree, I will be cooking this year. I have the basics all assembled, and soon I will put some Korean Pop on the stereo – long story – and start baking my pies. The menu of this traditional feast has changed little from the one my mother and grandmother put together. Knowing that most everything we include in the feast wasn’t available back in the pilgrims’ day, doesn’t deter us at all from enjoying them, especially can-shaped cranberry sauce.
Read MoreClothing a Ghost Hunter
When I began the Haunted Series, I dressed the PEEPs in tees and sweats with the original PEEPs logo on them. Ted always had a box of them handy. They used them as advertisements for their paranormal group. Mia’s basic uniform has always been cargo pants, black boots, and a PEEPs tee topped with a black PEEPs hoodie. She’ll never make the fashion pages, but it works for her. I’m not recommending that you peeps scour the internet for a pair of cargo pants, but this winter the boots may be a good idea.
Read MoreDid you ever get that feeling…
Did you ever get that feeling come over you that you weren’t alone? I’m not necessarily talking about not being alone in a room. I’m talking about not being alone in your own personal space or, worse yet, in your body. I’m not exactly talking medium-like activity. I’m talking… Well, here’s the story.
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