Hello all, Aaron the Webguy here, posting on behalf on Alexie. Right now, she is busy in the editing process of NOLA, her next book in the Haunted Series. She is hard at work to get it out to all of you a.s.a.p.
So instead of thoughtful commentary or a scary story I thought to post these...
What are Spooky Links? They are ghosts taken in photographs, or something paranormal perhaps in the background on a movie set, or even just something that makes me go, "Wait what was that?" So here goes!
This next one I imagine many of you have seen before, but it still gives me the chills.
This movie was directed by Leonard Nimoy surprisingly. Speaking of Leonard Nimoy...
K, this next one starts strong but seems to end with a student film reenactment if I would venture a guess. Still I found it interesting being a resident of Illinois.
Something is photo-bombing in the background.
Alright that last one gave me the creeps. So this is a wrap as they say. Updates on NOLA will be posted as we know them. Until then, please share your own Spooky Links in the comments and have a wonderful day.