Works in Progress
Jan 23rd 2015
Alexie Aaron is currently working on her next Haunted Series book. While she is away expect some guest bloggers to be stopping by.
Jan 16th 2015
Currently entrenched into the 14th novel of the Haunted Series. Anticipating the release of the second audiobook Ghostly Attachments.
Oct 21st
Crossed the twenty-five thousand word mark on the first draft of The Siege today. The muse is flowing and it's looking good.
I received my first copy of Ghostly Attachments paperback in the mail. The audio book for Ghostly Attachments is in the process of being narrated.
Oct 14th
Working with the tentative title of The Siege, I’m starting with a chaos-riddled poltergeist haunt. The book takes place in mid-December with Mia sidelined with the notorious baby bump. I’m in full muse now, so if you will excuse me…
The Beta Reader...