Hello all, Aaron the WebGuy here, and this week we have a special podcast for you. Alexie newest "Haunted Series" novel Cid is coming out very soon and we decided to give you all a sneak peek! She is really excited about this book and I think you all can hear it in her voice like I did when we recorded. Hope you enjoy and look forward to Cid coming out on Amazon the first week of July. Have a great day everyone!
Read MoreSummer Update 2016
Cid is on schedule and in its second edit. I’ve finally caught the wave of my next book after dumping the first four chapters. They just weren’t right. I’ve got to feel the story, and I wasn’t feeling it. Contrary to some reports, I don’t turn it (the muse) on like a faucet. Although water does help. Or doing something else like waiting in line somewhere. Movie theater lines are perfect, and I love summer movies.
Read MoreCin Fin-Lathen Mysteries Trio On Countdown!
Summer is coming! (Winter for the Southern Hemisphere.) Most of us have had a few hot days already. This weekend Arizona is going to be having quite a heatwave. Stay inside the cool air, watch out for your pets, and if you’re mystery readers, I have put my trio of Cin Fin-Lathen Mysteries on countdown for you. Starting Friday, you will be able to get this set of Kindle books for $0.99 (£0.99 in the UK). Hurry, because they will rise to $2.99 (£1.99 in the UK) starting on Monday for the rest of the week.
Read MoreAn Update and a Thank you
I’m squeezing in some time to thank everyone for an amazing launch of “The Long Game.” Yes, there have been mixed reviews. I’m not unhappy with the comments. I find that each reader, after reading 18 books, has a path in mind where they want PEEPs to go. But I have to write the book that is inside me, so as long as everyone is still enjoying the series, it will continue.
I’ve started book 20. There’s no firm title as of yet. It’s going to be an interesting book to write. I have two investigators who are either ready to give birth or are several months pregnant. But we women can do just about anything, so I have confidence in the PEEPs team. I have a big surprise at the beginning. I won’t spoil it for you, but I’m grinning ear to ear at the moment. For those guessing, it’s not Audrey giving birth, try again.
Cid the first novel of Cid Garett P. I. is in editing. The Red Pen hasn’t growled at me yet, so I’m thinking she likes it. Crossing my fingers.
Please forgive for this for being short, but I’m lost in the muse.
New Haunted Series Novel "The Long Game" is out!
It is my pleasure to announce the release of The Long Game! I have so enjoyed the writing of this mega-long book. It will answer questions, highlight most of the characters, and hopefully entertain you for a few days. Warning, if you’re going to read it in one sitting, you may need a caffeine drip, sugary treats, and someone else to watch the kids and spouse. If you have a good spouse-sitter, send me their credentials!
Read MoreUpdate for The Long Game
This is so bizarre. I’m writing this update the day after posting my last Friday blog post. The reason is that I will be traveling this coming week, but while I’m gone, the Beta Reader will be reading. So I don’t know if this post will be either be titled Updates or New Release. We are so close! The target publication date is June 1st, 2016.
The Long Game is a particularly long book. It’s the size of a normal Haunted Series book and a novella combined. Why so long? When I write the Haunted Series, I let the characters take me places. I never thought Mia and Murphy would end up in one particular place, but the story went there, and so did I.
Read MoreTop Five Scary Movies on Netflix
It’s that time of the year when the craving for popcorn and scary movies comes over me. I love a good scare, don’t you? I’m not into gore fests. I get my thrills from heart-stopping suspense and those wonderful jump-out-of-the-dark moments. Here at Bliss Cottage, we are hard at work putting the finishing touches on The Long Game, so trips to the theater aren’t on the menu. Fortunately for us, there is Netflix.
I’ve put together our top five list of movies you can see on Netflix right now. I’m sure you can rent them or see them for free on other channels, but as the remote control confuses this PEEPs-soaked brain, I’ll just keep my list easy.
Top Five Scary Movies on Netflix
Read MoreMid-May Update
I looked at the calendar, and my eyes bugged out. May 13th. Yup another Friday the 13th. It seems they arrive with more regularity than my Gap purchases. This week I’m slammed with real world conflicts, so please excuse the brevity of this post.
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