At the moment, I feel like I’m under siege. In my office, I hear the constant pounding of sand. Yes, really. They are repairing and improving Bliss Cottage’s brick patio. It had been undone by a tenacious, burrowing and electricity-chomping chipmunk. You can get away with a lot when you’re that cute. And now, there are several talented and strong individuals working from sunup to sundown on the project. My basement office vibrates. My head hurts from the sound of the bricks being cut. I feel, with all this pain, I should be able to work it into a story, but it would be too horrible to print. Or boring…
Read MorePreholiday Survival Guide
Just a quick post to update you on my work-in-progress, the “Haunted Series” novel, “A Rose by Any Other Name,” and a few other things that may interest you. The Cin Fin-Lathen book is in the editing stage. It should hit Amazon around Thanksgiving. Thank you all for your patience on this delay. “Unforgivable Cin: An Opera in Three Acts” is a special book, dealing with a sensitive subject, and I wanted to get it right. Don’t worry, Cin’s sense of humor is intact, although, she is minus a few pairs of shoes…
Read MoreHappy Halloween!
Attention, ghosts and ghouls! Halloween falls on a Saturday this year. The weather here will be cool but dry. I expect we will have a record turnout. In our village, the children are allowed to Trick or Treat from five to seven at night. Because it’s Saturday, more parents will be home - not tired from the long Chicago commute - to take part in the holiday. I have so many great memories of Halloween as a child and as an adult, dressing up and taking my children door to door. My children are grown now, but I suspect at least one of them would like to show up at your door and yell, “Trick or treat!”
Read MoreWhen Aaron Met Jake
Hello, everyone, Aaron the WebGuy here, hoping everyone is enjoying Alexie's latest Haunted Series release Restitution. She is back at the writer's desk, and so I thought it was time for me to tell a little story. I recently took a trip to Kansas City to meet up with the man behind the character. Jake is known in the Haunted Series as the wisecracking spirit who has a certain affinity for computers. And well, guess what folks? The real Jake is just like that and more, except the spirit part of course.
Read MoreRestitution is Released!
Restitution: The restoration of something lost or stolen to its proper owner.
Recompense for injury or loss.
The restoration of something to its original state.*
(Links aplenty after read more)
Read's One Year Anniversary!
It’s our one year anniversary! It has been one year since the Webguy started He, on my request, found me a home where I could communicate and receive comments from my readers. Here, we can let you know of updates and make it easier to purchase new novels. (Podcast and more after the jump!)
Read MoreGood Things Incoming
Aaron the Webguy here with just a quick update. In brief, both Alexie and myself will be out of town this weekend. She will be doing research for her novels while I will be meeting up with someone infamous to you all. I will be meeting Jake to go see the Chicago Bears (hopefully) beat the Kansas City Chiefs. My first time going to a football stadium in over a decade, and it's with the guy who inspired Alexie's ghost in the machine character. The real Jake is just as tech savvy as his character, so I have to be there to make sure he doesn't tamper with the referee replay system or something.
You know I like to give you all some good news when I post, so here goes! While we are out of town, I have it on good authority that Alexie's latest Haunted Series novel Restitution will be in the hands of the Beta Reader, so you could say that it is on the fast track to being released. Also, next week just so happens to be the one year anniversary of so expect something fun from us to make up for this tiny post.
So have a great weekend, and go Bears!
October 1st
October 1st, what kind of happy anticipation or terror does that date bring to you? For me, it brings on happy thoughts. It’s only thirty days until Halloween! I should have Restitution launched by then, my Cin Fin-Lathen book in edit, and I will be finishing up the first draft of the 18th Haunted Series novel. All I plan on doing on October 31st is handing out treats to the Trick-or-Treaters.
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